Our Offerings:
Why choose Arts for Learning Connecticut for your arts in education programming?
- High quality artists in all the arts disciplines
- Over 30 years of Excellent Customer Service
- Arts programming that connects directly to curriculum
- Creative Arts Learning programs for Boys & Girls Clubs, Girl and Boy Scouts, Community Centers
- Family Programming that features learning for the whole family
- Creative Arts Learning performances and workshops for Elder Learning
- Engaging Teacher Professional Development that connects the arts to classroom learning
” Reforming education is rightly seen as one of the biggest challenges of our times. In my view, reform is not enough: the real challenge is to transform education from a 19th century industrial model into a 21st century process based on different principles.”
– Sir Ken Robinson
Arts For Learning Connecticut engages learners of all ages and abilities in the 21st Century Learning Skills of creativity, collaboration, and communication through:
- arts integration in school residencies, after school programs, and sequential learning opportunities in the arts
- workshops that provide direct experiences in the arts
- performances that provide an understanding of cultures and art forms that connect to various aspects of the curriculum
- professional development workshops for teachers and artists in arts integration, positive behavior development, and in providing arts experiences of people with different abilities.
Whether it be a residency or performance, our Signature Core Services of experiencing the art form, understanding the art form, creatingin the art form, and connecting the art form to other areas of life will be apparent to all participants.
To design your arts learning experience please contact our Associate Director, Mike Kachuba at 203-230-8101 ext. 15 or via email, mkachuba@aflct.org
To schedule a performance, workshop or residency please contact Loraine Brown, Program Manager at 203-230-8101 ext. 10 or via email, lbrown@aflct.org
Arts For Learning Teaching Artists are available to present professional development workshops for teachers of pre-K through college. They are available for team building workshops as well to help your staff be the best they can be!
Among topics that can be addressed are:
- Arts Integration in the Curriculum
- Positive School Climate Initiatives
- Using Universal Design for Learning UDL in your classroom to reach all learners
- Arts and the SRBI’s
- Teaching Science Through Dance
- Making Literacy Connections Through the Arts
- Teaching Math Through Music
- The Game: Strategies for Team Building and Problem Solving
- Developing Literacy Skills through Song Writing
- Other Topics designed for your needs
Please contact: Mike Kachuba, Arts For Learning, Education Manager, 203-230-8101 ext. 15 or mkachuba@aflct.org to create a professional development workshop that teachers will find meaningful, applicable to their work, interactive and fun. Workshops can be designed in two hour, three hour, four hour, or six hour blocks.