The most impressionable years of a child’s educational experience happen at the Preschool through Grade 8 level. At Ridgefield Academy, we know this age group best. Ridgefield Academy is committed to providing a program that gives students a core foundation in math, language arts, history, science, world language, and public speaking that is complemented by a wide range of additional curricular activities in athletics, the arts, and community service. RA empowers every child to realize his or her unique potential by bringing together academic excellence, inspiring faculty, innovative programming, and a diverse, supportive community.
Academic Classes, The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Service Learning/Community Service, Summer Camps, a diverse selection of afterschool enrichment clubs
math, language arts, history, science, world language, visual arts(drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, journaling, bookmaking, Art History, and Art Appreciation), performing arts(drama, music), digital arts, public speaking
Boys/Girls Soccer
Co-ed Cross Country
Girls Field Hockey
Boys/Girls Basketball
Winter Fitness
Boys Baseball
Girls Softball
Boys/Girls Lacrosse
Co-ed Cross Country
State of the School , October 2018 from Ridgefield Academy on Vimeo.