YMCA Camp Hafaday
Hafaday is a popular swim-lesson program for children ages 4 to 8 years old that takes place from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm each day in weekly sessions during the summer as well as some school vacation breaks. The children have a swim lesson and free swim, plus arts & crafts and gym time, with a snack in between. It is a great program where the kids can meet new friends, have fun and really strengthen their swim skills.
The children are placed into groups depending on age and enrollment. The groups rotate to specialty areas every 40 minutes. After 2 periods, the children enjoy a snack, followed by 2 more periods. Dismissal immediately follows.
Swimming is the main emphasis of Hafaday; your child will have an instructional swim lesson and enjoy a free swim period every day. This constant exposure to the water over the one-week session is the best way to learn. In Hafaday, students are grouped for swim lessons by age and ability. Our program allows us to benefit your children within your summer schedule. One-week sessions allow you to register for those weeks in which you are interested. However, for learning in the pool we recommend signing up for Hafaday in two-week blocks.
Summer Hafaday Registration Information
Registration Dates: TBD
Camp Contact Information
Director of Camp & Family Services : Meg George
mgeorge@westporty.org (203) 226-8981 X119
Hafaday Unit Director: Danette Meigel
Dmeigel@westporty.org (203) 226-8981 X 117
How to Register
Registration for past campers and family begins January 8th. Registration for new campers begins February 5th. Forms can be brought to the Westport Weston Family YMCA, mailed to us at 14 Allen Raymond Lane, Westport, CT 06880 or scanned and emailed to mahackeno@westporty.org.
Registration is done first come first serve. Registrations must come in a week prior to the session starting. All campers must provide a current health form and a pick up authorization form with their registration in order for the registration to be completed. Campers may not attend the program without submitting the correct forms.
For more information, please contact Meg George, Director of Camp and Family Services, (203) 226-8981 x119 or mgeorge@westporty.org.
Camp related articles and information
Concussion Information For Students and Parents
Help a Hafaday kid
Through your support, we’re able to offer camp scholarships and other financial assistance so deserving children have the opportunity to participate in Hafaday and learn this vital life skill.
To make a safe and secure online donation, please click here.